by Master Explorer | Nov 27, 2018 | Factories, New York |
Huge ABANDONED Wonder Bread Factory | Buffalo, NY | Wild Solo Urbex This abandoned Wonder Bread Factory in Buffalo New York is left to rot after closing in 2004. While passing through Buffalo, NY I stumbled across this amazing abandoned Wonder Bread Factory. Abandoned...
by Master Explorer | Nov 23, 2018 | Ohio, Supermoto |
Dayton SUPERMOTO Adventure | Urban Exploring Ohio Join us for our annual Halloween Supermoto ride in Dayton Ohio. Taking a tour of Abandoned Places. We explore Dayton’s secret abandoned places on motorcycles. Would you rather have supermoto, minimoto, or dual...
by Master Explorer | Oct 6, 2018 | Crazy Finds, Factories, Ohio |
ABANDONED Clock Tower and Playing Card Factory Somewhere in Ohio, there is a large abandoned playing card factory with an amazing clock tower. On a cold winters day, we accepted a mission to explore this abandoned clock tower in Ohio. Deep inside this abandoned...
by Master Explorer | Jul 16, 2018 | Crazy Finds, Ohio, Super Creepy, Tunnels |
EXCLUSIVE! Adventure | Abandoned Tunnel in Dayton, Ohio We discovered a hidden abandoned underground tunnel near Downtown Dayton, Ohio After we filmed 2 other long-forgotten tunnels in downtown Dayton we have been getting tips about an underground sidewalk system in...
by Master Explorer | Jun 10, 2018 | Factories, Ohio, Supermoto |
Exploring Skyborn Skateland and Drive-In | Abandoned in Fairborn, Ohio Relive the memories of Skyborn Drive-In and Skateland We recently had the opportunity to make the final visit to Skyborn in Fairborn. The properties are being sold to Barrett Paving. The current...