by Master Explorer | Dec 14, 2018 | Houses, Ohio |
Historic Abandoned Mansion | Urban Exploring Ohio Someone should save this beautiful abandoned mansion in Cincinnati Ohio before it is gone. We explored this abandoned mansion in Cincinnati, Ohio that was built in 1895. This beautiful stone castle-like mansion was...
by Master Explorer | Nov 27, 2018 | Factories, New York |
Huge ABANDONED Wonder Bread Factory | Buffalo, NY | Wild Solo Urbex This abandoned Wonder Bread Factory in Buffalo New York is left to rot after closing in 2004. While passing through Buffalo, NY I stumbled across this amazing abandoned Wonder Bread Factory. Abandoned...
by Master Explorer | Nov 23, 2018 | Ohio, Supermoto |
Dayton SUPERMOTO Adventure | Urban Exploring Ohio Join us for our annual Halloween Supermoto ride in Dayton Ohio. Taking a tour of Abandoned Places. We explore Dayton’s secret abandoned places on motorcycles. Would you rather have supermoto, minimoto, or dual...
by Master Explorer | Oct 6, 2018 | Crazy Finds, Factories, Ohio |
ABANDONED Clock Tower and Playing Card Factory Somewhere in Ohio, there is a large abandoned playing card factory with an amazing clock tower. On a cold winters day, we accepted a mission to explore this abandoned clock tower in Ohio. Deep inside this abandoned...
by Master Explorer | Jul 16, 2018 | Crazy Finds, Ohio, Super Creepy, Tunnels |
EXCLUSIVE! Adventure | Abandoned Tunnel in Dayton, Ohio We discovered a hidden abandoned underground tunnel near Downtown Dayton, Ohio After we filmed 2 other long-forgotten tunnels in downtown Dayton we have been getting tips about an underground sidewalk system in...